Bread pakora recipe Hello every one, today I have come up with a very sweet healthy…
Aloo chop Today I have brought you aloo chop recipe. Aloo chop is one of the popular…
Besan ko laddu/ Besan ladoo recipe 👇Scroll Down👇 Besan ko laddu is made in Nepal …
Mutton pakku/masu ko aachar Mutton pakku is extremely sweet, yummy and delicious foo…
Farsi ko munta(Pumpkin leaves ro pumpkin shoots 👇Scroll Down👇 Farsi ko munta or p…
Sikarni sikarni tends to be the best for the summer season. There is no concrete evi…
Momo ko achar (momo pickle) The pickle of momo is of course eaten with momo in nepal…
Choila Choila: introduce: Choila is a newari food. Choila is a famous meal of Nepal.…
Buff momo Buff momo: introduce Buff momo is mainly made from buff meat and flour. B…
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