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Kukhura ko masu recipe |Nepali chicken

Kukhura ko masu(Nepali Chicken curry) 

When describing kukhura ko masu(nepali chicken curry) , kukhura ko masu means nepal chicken curry. It is made from chicken. Homemade chicken or boilar chicken is made by cutting and frying it. kukhura ko masu is the most eaten food in nepal. 

Kukhura ko masu

kukhura ko masu is usually preferred to eat more with rice in nepal. Some people even eat it with roti(roti is one type nepali bread).Some people eat it like this. It can be seen that some or young boys eat it with alcohol. This kukhura ko masu can be found in abundance anywhere in Nepal. Speaking of the Terai region, you can find a lot of kukhura ko masu here.

This food is available in every hotel, restaurant, cafe etc. It can be found a little less in the hilly region. But in the Himalayan region of Nepal, this food is available in very small quantities. In the Himalayan region, its price is slightly higher than in the Terai region. Because it is colder in the Himalayas and it is difficult to raise chickens, so it has become more expensive. kukhura ko masu is a smooth dish. It is delicious, very good. Once you eat it you will want to eat it again.

Read : Yellow laphing recipe

You need some ingredients to make this dish. 

kukhura ko masu banaune tarika:

S. N.            Ingredients/Quantity 

1.                  Chicken with bone(1kg) 

2.                  Mustards oil(50ml) 

3.                  Onion chopped(60gm) 

4.                  Ginger paste(10gm) 

5.                  Garlic paste(10gm) 

6.                  Turmeric powder(5gm) 

7.                  Coriander powder(10gm) 

8.                  Cumin powder(10gm) 

9.                  Chilli powder(10gm) 

10.                Water(200ml) 

11.                Tomatoes chopped(60gm) 

12.                Garam masala(10gm) 

13.                Green cardamon/clove(4/4pieces) 

14.                Bay leaf(2 pieces) 

15.                Salt(to taste) 

16.                Green coriander(garnish) 

kukhura ko masu banaune tarika:

Only after you have prepared all the above ingredients, you can proceed with the process of making it. The method of making kukhura ko masu is given below. 

kukhurako masu

Cooking method (kukhura ko masu recipe/nepali chicken curry recipe) 

1) Cut chicken into chunk(small piece) 

1) Heat oil,  add bay leaf, cardamom, clove and onions. Sauteonion till brown. 

3) Add cumin powder, turmeric powder, coriander powder, chilli powder, Ginger and Garlic paste. 

4) Now add chicken and mix well cook for 10-15 minutes(check chicken cook or not),  add tomato now add salt, water and simmer until it cook well. 

If you want to make kukhura ko masu gravy, increase the amount of water as much as you need. Similarly, if you want to make it dry, reduce the amount of water accordingly.

 This is how you can make kukhura ko masu in such a simple way. 

What do you think of this recipe? Don't forget to write your advice, suggestions and feedback in the comment box and don't forget to say what is your favorite nepali food. If you want any other nepali food recipe, you can say it in the comment box below. I will try to bring that recipe as much as possible.Thank you so much for visiting us🙏❤

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