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Chilli Momo: Chilli momo recipe (Veg/Meat) | Nepali style chilli momo recipe


Chilli momo

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👇तल जानुहोस् 👇

Chilli momo:Introduce

Chilli momo is also called c momo in nepal. Chilli momo recipe is more special than other momo and it is yummy and delicious. You can easily make it at home. The method of making chicken chilli momo recipe and veg chilli momo recipe is the same. All you have to do is steam the chilli momo and use it. If you want to make chicken chili momo, use chicken steam momo, if you want to make buff chilli momos, use buff steam momo and if your want to make veg chilli momo, use veg steam momo.Make chilli momo easily at home using the method given below.

Chilli momo

First you need the following ingredients.

S.N.      Ingredients/Quantity

1.          Onion (1 big size cut into dice)

2.          Capsicum (3 different colors {cut into dice} or you may use only what you have)

3.          Tomato (1 big size cut into dice).      (optional)

4.          Green chilli (2-3 pieces cut into            small  pieces) 

5.          Tomato sauce (2 table spoon)

6.          Red chilli powder (1 spoon) 

7.          Peffer powder (half spoon) 

8.          Salt (to taste) 

9.          Dark soya sauce (2 spoon) 

10.        Garlic (2 spoon cut into chopped) 

11.        Oil (200ml) 

12.        Steamed veg / chicken / buff /            mutton momo

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👇तल जानुहोस् 👇

Note : You can also use the quantity of ingredients and ingredients according to your own.

( If you don't know how to make steamed veg / chicken momo, you can easily make it at home by going to the link given below. I have already explained veg / chicken momo recipe in detail in an old article.)

chilli momos recipe:

Nepali style chilli momo recipe:

Now take a pan and heat oil in it (heat oil a little more). We have to fry the steamed momo first. So after heating the oil, add steamed veg / chicken and fry. Fry Momo well from both sides. After frying, put the fried momo in a pot.

Now we will make chilli momo or momo chilli. To do this, heat a little oil in a separate pan. Heat oil, add garlic and fry. After frying the garlic, add onion, capsicum and green chilli. Do all this half cook (50%). After 50% fry or cook add salt, red chilli powder, peffer powder, tomato sauce and soya sauce (use a little less salt than you like) and fry or cook it all.

Now add tomatoes and fry well (half cook). Then add the previously fried momo and cook half. (If you like saucey chilli momo, add a little water and salt and cook for a while. It becomes saucey chilli momo.)

After half cook or 2-3 minutes cook, your chilli momo is ready. Now you can put it in a plate or bowl and eat it or serve it. Please make this recipe at your home and enjoy with your friends and family. I am also eating right now😊

What do you think of this recipe? If you like this process, don't forget to comment below your suggestions and feedback and don't forget to say what is your favorite nepali food. if you need more momos recipe like: chicken momos recipe,momos chutney,momo dumpling,pan fried momos recipe,wheat momos,tandoori momos recipe,momo soup or jhol momo recipe,veg fried momos,pork momo recipe or any of the momos making process comment down below what momo recipe you went and I will bring momo recipe according to your demand.

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